Voting is now closed for Radio 254's 2024 Online Awards. Winners have been announced on and Instagram. Thank you to everyone who voted!
RADIO 254 Playing 100% Kenyan Content 24/7
Many argue that radio, TV, and film are dying, with fewer people reportedly listening to them or watching them. We at Radio TV 254, however, argue and would like to state that we believe that Radio, TV, and Film are not dying but are simply shifting online. In the future, you will likely see a lot more online radio and TV stations as more radio and TV stations seek to establish an online presence in the ever-expanding online media landscape. Films, too, are going to shift online, and we hope to see more Kenyan films available online as this shift happens.
Written by: 254 Radio
Voting is now closed for Radio 254's 2024 Online Awards. Winners have been announced on and Instagram. Thank you to everyone who voted!
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